Our Indian Star Tortoise Breeders

We are once again breeding Indian Star tortoises! They were our first tortoises back in 1999 and we were able to produce only one hatchling in 2006. But now, we've also made it our goal to breed this beautiful species again

The Indian Star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a beautiful tortoise native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. They were named for their star like patterns on their shells which varies by their three geographical variants or morphs: southern India, Sri Lanka, and northern India and Pakistan. This star pattern is an effective means of camouflage in their environment.

Other species of tortoises that exhibit a star-like, radiating pattern are Burmese Star (Geochelone platynota), Radiated (Astrochelys radiata), Spider (Pyxis arachnoides), Flat-backed Spider (Pyxis planicauda), Pancake (Malacochersus tornieri), Geometric (Psammobates geometricus) and Tent tortoises (Psammobates tentorius).

All Three Eggs Eventually Hatched Within 1 Week!

From Chalking to Hatching

This batch is a perfect example of tortoise egg development because it showed all the signs of a fertile egg; from chalking, to seeing veins when candling, and eventually hatching. As expected, all three eggs that chalked are fertile and the one that did not eventually went bad and started to smell after around 3 months.

This third one is even more special because 1 month prior to hatching, I noticed that the egg had already cracked and leaked. I had to seal it up but I wasn't sure if it would survive. I am so thankful that it did!

star tortoise hatchling

Three little Indian Star tortoise hatchlings

star tortoise hatchling

I got the 2 from the nursery and put them inside the incubator for a few pictures

star tortoise hatchling

The first hatchling is curious about the third

star tortoise hatchling

indian star tortoise egg

Urging the third one to come out already! :p

Second One Is Out!

Only One Day Apart

Unlike our two Radiated hatchlings that hatched nearly 3 weeks apart, these 2 Indian stars hatched almost in sync. There is a 3rd fertile egg that I'm hoping would hatch too. Unfortunately, I noticed it leaking 3 weeks ago so it doesn't look very good.

Indian Star hatchling

Indian Star hatchling

Indian Star hatchling

It is always exciting to discover new hatchlings inside the incubator!

Hatch Day for Our Star Tortoise Baby!

After 145 Days

Laid on September 16 of last year, the first egg took a total of 4 months and 23 days to hatch. It may sound like a long wait for some. But it is always exciting for me to watch tortoise eggs hatch! Definitely worth the wait!

Indian Star tortoise egg has started pipping, which is when they get their nose out of the egg shell. They use their "egg tooth" just right below their nose to pierce through the egg.

tortoise egg pipping

tortoise egg pipping

tortoise egg pipping

Tortoise Egg Development

The clutch of eggs that were laid on November of 2015 were not fertile. We had to add another male Star tortoise to the group just to be sure we get fertile eggs this time around. Fortunately, the next clutch several months after that looks good!

Chalking and Veins

To know if the tortoise eggs are fertile, you can check for the 2 most obvious signs 1) chalking and 2) formation of veins.

chalking of tortoise eggs

Here you can see the eggs are chalking, which are the white spots on top part of the eggs. The egg at the upper right of the photo is not chalking and this usually means the egg is not fertile.

candling tortoise eggs

Veins can be seen when doing the process called candling. It's basically just putting a small flashlight or LED penlight on the surface of the egg in a dark room. By doing so, you'll be able to see veins forming inside the egg if the eggs are fertile.

Retrieving Star Tortoise Eggs

Digging out the eggs

Star Tortoise Eggs

We made sure that she was completely finished with the process of digging, laying and covering her eggs because we didn't want to disturb her

Star Tortoise Eggs

Trying not to break any of the eggs

Star Tortoise Eggs

I got the first one out

Female Star Tortoise Finally Laid Eggs!


After waiting for more than 4 weeks after her X-Ray, she finally got 3 eggs out of her system. I'm sure she is as relieved as I am.

star tortoise breeding

Star tortoise breeding

From here one can clearly see 1 egg and a hint of a second egg on the left side of the hole

Star tortoise breeding

Digging deeper and deeper. In this photo, she hasn't laid any eggs yet.

Star tortoise breeding

She looks very focused and determined

Star tortoise breeding project

In this photo, she's completed the laying process. She is now covering up the nest.

Notice her hind legs trying to move some of the eggs to make way for the next egg

Star Tortoise Weight: Before and After Laying Eggs

I always make sure I weight all our tortoises regularly. I'm glad I was able to take note of our Star female's weight before and after she laid eggs.

Tortoise Weight Before and After Laying Eggs

1460 grams after laying 3 eggs

Tortoise Weight Before and After Laying Eggs

1546 grams before laying 3 eggs

Photos of the Star Tortoise Breeding Group

These are the tortoises that make up the breeding team

I just love this group! Very beautiful.

Star tortoise breeding

Star tortoise breeding

X-Ray of Female Star Tortoise with Eggs

I was worried about our female Star tortoise because she was digging for several weeks but never really laid any eggs. So I went to the clinic to get her an X-Ray to be sure she is not egg bound, a condition which can be fatal to tortoises.

3 eggs can be seen in the X-Ray. The thickness of the eggs look normal and not over-calcified. There doesn't seem to be any blockage either. So the only thing to do now is to wait for nature to take its course. I just have to make sure she is given a suitable nesting spot, fed well, and given sufficient calcium supplements.

xray of star tortoise with eggs

X-Ray taken on October 4, 2015 in Vets in Practice, Madaluyong

Our First Captive-Bred Tortoise

On December 8, 2005, my female Indian Star tortoise laid 3 eggs. Though there were 2 male stars in the group, I didn't have high hopes that the eggs are fertile since this is their first clutch. But on April 19, 2006, as soon as I woke up, I took a peek at the egg container like any other day. I couldn't believe what I saw! One of the eggs was partly cracked and a tortoise head was peeking out! I quickly grabbed my video camera and a fresh mini-DV and took photos and videos all morning. I didn't care that I showed up late for work that day. I've been waiting for this moment since 1999!

This is Cracker, our first captive-bred Star tortoise still in his partially cracked egg. In the middle photo, you can see his yolk sac. The right most photo is with his mother where you can see the size difference. Adult female Stars aren't very big and lay an average of 3 eggs per clutch, and 1-2 clutches per year.

hatchling star tortoise

hatchling star tortoise

hatchling star tortoise

Photos of Cracker with his mother, Bashful

Bashful and Cracker are both very special. Bashful is our first tortoise, and Cracker is Bashful's first hatchling.

female star tortoise and hatchling

hatchling star tortoise

hatchling star tortoise

April 2006 - The hatchling started to eat as soon as the yolk sac was fully absorbed after around 3-5 days

female star tortoise and hatchling

female star tortoise and hatchling

female star tortoise and hatchling

October 2006 - Only a few months old, the size difference between Cracker and Bashful is still huge.

female star tortoise and hatchling

female star tortoise and hatchling

February 2010 - Cracker, who turned out to be a male Star tortoise has now reached his adult size of around 5 inches. Notice his long tail at the right. Bashful has a shorter tail and is bigger at around 8.5 inches.

Growth of a Star Tortoise Hatchling

Cracker compared to my hand in a span of several months and years

star tortoise hatchling

April 30, 2006. Its shell is still deformed right after hatching.

hatchling star tortoise

May 12, 2006. After a few weeks, its shell had straightened out.

baby star tortoise

August 2006

star tortoise hatchling

September 2006. Male Star tortoises, like Cracker only reach an adult size of 5-6 inches, whereas females can grow up to 10-12 inches. His growth is very slow compared to our Sulcatas and Radiatas.

star tortoise hatchling

August 2007

star tortoise hatchling

June 2008

star tortoise hatchling

Nearly at his adult size at around 5 inches on November 2009, more than 3 years later.

Old Photos of Our Adult Star Tortoises

On December 28, 1999, I got my very first tortoise which I named Bashful! Our Star tortoises took a long time to grow unlike our Sulcatas and Radiatas. It takes about 5 years for them to reach adult size, which is an average of around 5 inches for males, and 9 inches for females.

geochelone elegans

Bashful, my first ever tortoise purchased on December 28, 1999

geochelone elegans

Geochelone elegans eventually outgrowing my hand after 5 years

star tortoise

star tortoise

Bashful compared to a one peso coin.

star tortoise growth

This is Happy, our other adult female Star tortoise. She could easily fit inside this basket when we got her. After a few years, only her head can fit inside! It is difficult to notice their growth when you see them everyday but these photos say it all!

indian star tortoises philippines

Happy (left) and Bashful (right) in a photo studio set-up, 2004

star tortoises philippines

Happy dragging along a plastic chair with him! November, 2007.

Scanned Pictures from 1999 to 2000

Digital cameras were not yet popular back then so I took photos using analogue cameras and had them developed. Here are scanned pictures of our first few tortoises from 1999 to 2000. I had 7 Indian stars so I conveniently named them after the seven dwarves.

star tortoise philippines

This was my first terrarium set-up. I know I should not have used pebbles, but I did not know it that time.

star tortoise philippines

6 star tortoises on a log

star tortoise philippines

star tortoise philippines

These pictures were shot by my friend in University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City

star tortoise philippines

These were my 3 most favorite photos before digital cameras

star tortoises philippines

star tortoise philippines

star tortoise philippines

Photos taken in Ateneo de Manila University

First Video of Cracker

Since 2006, I kept a raw digitized copy of the video. I only uploaded this video when I built this website in 2010. It's not HD quality but it serves its purpose. So here it is!

Video taken in 2006 and digitized in 2010

Candling Indian Star Tortoise Eggs

Shown below are pictures of Bashful's eggs in a process called candling. This is done to check if the eggs are fertile. All you need is a dark room, small LED light (which I bought in Tiendesitas for P100) and a camera. Too bad, I only had a camera phone back then. The pictures didn't turn out so clear. But you can clearly see the veins!

tortoise egg candling

tortoise egg candling

tortoise egg candling

About Us

Soda's Tortoise Garden is a private tortoise breeding facility that is accredited by DENR and BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) located in Metro Manila, Philippines. We don't have a physical shop but you may coordinate with us via our Facebook page. Be sure to follow our page for our latest posts and stories. Learn More

Our first TV appearance at "Rise & Shine Pilipinas" by PTV 4.

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